
When Do You Need to Repair Your Ring Prongs?

round diamond set in yellow gold

Do You Know When to Have Your Ring Prongs Repaired or Replaced?

ing prongs can take some pretty heavy blows, especially on a ring you wear every day like your wedding ring! Amazingly these little metal claws can hang in there a long time keeping your precious gemstones safe. However, there is only so much wear and tear ring prongs can take before they need repaired or in some cases, replaced. We want to help you know how to spot worn ring prongs before they weaken or break so that you avoid losing your diamond or other precious gemstone.

Do You Know What Ring Prong Re-Tipping Means?

Sometimes ring prongs are lifted or worn down but not broken. Have you noticed your ring is snagging things a lot more than usual? This is a big sign that a prong has lifted. If you run your finger over the ring prongs you should be able to feel the small metal nubs on each one. If they are smooth or flat, chances are they need re-tipped. In this case, a trusted jeweler will examine each prong and can show you an example of a good prong versus a worn one. The term re-tipping means that the existing prong can be built back up to maintain its durability. This is usually not too costly and a fairly quick jewelry repair that will ensure your gemstones are securely set.

Is It Better to Replace or Repair Ring Prongs?

Depending on the age and wear of the prong, a jeweler will be able to inspect the ring and tell you whether it is safe to repair the prongs or if they have worn too low to be re-tipped and should be replaced. Keep in mind, these little metal claws are often holding expensive gemstones so it’s probably best to play it safe and follow the jeweler’s suggestion. In the the long run, it will be more cost effective to replace prongs than to replace a diamond or other gemstone. Reputable jewelers will provide a free estimate on prong repairs and can breakdown the pricing due to your ring’s type of precious metal and the size or number of prongs to be repaired or replaced.

What Other Jewelry Needs Prong Repair?

Obviously rings are the most common prong repairs needed but remember, other jewels are set with prongs as well. If you have any bracelets, like a diamond tennis bracelet or necklaces or earring studs that are older or that you wear daily, it’s probably a good idea to have your local jeweler double check them for signs of wear or lifted prongs. When it comes to your favorite jewelry, we always want you to be safer than sorry! Having your jewelry regularly inspected can help catch issues like worn prongs before they become a bigger problem like cracked or broken off so don’t ever hesitate to bring in any jewelry to our showroom for inspection!

Worn down prongs, cracked or completely broken off…we’ve seen it all! We are more than happy to help with any prong repair you may need and even have some tips to help keep your jewelry safe and help avoid ring repairs. Don’t hesitate to come in for any jewelry repair issue and we’ll work with you to get your jewelry back to you looking like new!


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